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AAF Baltimore Awards of Distinction

Each year, individuals who have made significant contributions to the Baltimore advertising community are eligible for one of four coveted awards. Winners will be honored during the annual American Advertising Awards ceremony. 


Nominees may represent any sector of the industry (agency, freelance, clients, partners, media outlets, production suppliers, photographers, and more) and any segment within these groups (account services, media, HR, creative, etc.) ​​

Lifetime Achievement Award

Established in 2009 to recognize local industry leaders responsible, throughout their career, for helping build the foundation for a strong Baltimore advertising community. This premiere award honors talented, dedicated individuals who inspire others by setting the standard by which great leaders and accomplishments are measured.​

Lifetime Achievement  Recipients

Michelle Selby, 2024

Allan Charles, 2023

Billy Twigg, 2022

David Imre, 2021

Roger Gray, 2020

Sean Carton, 2019

Rip Lambert, 2018

Jack Heyrman, 2017

Jeff Millman, 2016

Elliott Wiley, 2012

Cecil A. “Chic” Davis, 2011

Silver Medal

The Silver Medal Award program recognizes industry professionals who have made outstanding contributions to advertising and who have furthered our industry’s standards, exhibiting creative excellence and responsibility areas of social concern. 


The program was begun by Printer's Ink Magazine and the older Advertising Federation of America as an award to outstanding advertising practitioners throughout the nation. In 1969, it was assumed by AAF as a local club/federation-oriented award.


On January 22, 1980, the American Advertising Association Baltimore (AAB) — now known as the American Advertising Federation Baltimore (AAFB) — presented its first Silver Medal Award to Mr. Jake Embry, General Manager of WMAR-FM.

Silver Medal Recipients

Ron Ordansa, 2024

Andres Zapata, 2023

Matt McDermott, 2022

Becky Smith, 2021

Betsy Clark, 2020

Michael Teitelbaum, 2019

Vanessa Baker, 2018

Jody Berg, 2016

Harold C. “Chuck” Donofrio Jr., 2011

Chic Davis, 1991

Jim Williams, 1991

David Fuellhart, 1990

Anna Grossman, 1990

Sheldon Taule, 1990

Jake Embry, 1980

Katherine Mahool Iconoclast Award 

Established in 2020 to celebrate the AAFB's 100th anniversary and named in honor of the 1st nominated president of the organization that eventually would become American Advertising Federation Baltimore, the Iconoclast Award celebrates women in advertising, marketing, business, and design who have redefined industries, defied stereotypes, and torn down barriers to success so that others may follow. 

Iconoclast Recipients

Susan Levickas 2024

Diane Devaney, 2023

Barbara Brotman Kaylor, 2022

Linda Stanley, 2021

Kathy Harvey, 2020

Crystal Prism Award

Often described as the award for the “unsung hero,” the Crystal Prism award bestows the honor and gratitude of the AAFB to an individual who goes above and beyond the call of duty, giving of their time selflessly for the advancement and success of the AAF Baltimore without seeking reward or personal gain. It acknowledges their commitment, contributions, and giving of themselves to further the industry’s standards and to enhance the image of advertising.


The Crystal Prism Award is awarded to those very few, very special, individuals who nurture and grow our club.

Crystal Prism Recipients

Liz Norton, 2024

Krystal Cotriss, 2023

Ashlene Larson, 2022

Stephanie Bronfein, 2021

Jeremy Martin, 2020

Courtney Black, 2019

Sarah Quackenbush, 2018

Kathe Flynn, 2017

Jennifer Dodson, 2017

Jane Goldstrom, 2011

Seth Dunbar, 2001

Janice Davis, 1993
Faye Friedman, 1992
Chip Weinman, 1991
Jim Atrachan, 1990
Jim Williams, 1990
Tracey Serifert, 1988
Lou Christopher, 1987
Barbara Brotman Kaylor, 1986
Chic Davis, 1985
John Yuhanick, 1984
Marion Fine, 1983
Robert Kingwell, 1982
Diane Kumar, 1981
Charles Dukes, 1980
Harry Brian, 1979
Dorothy Galway, 1978
Eileen Keogh, 1977
Shirley Brown, 1976
Sheldon Taule, 1975
Frank Blumberg, 1974
Bess Kramer, 1973
Anna Grossman, 1972

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